So even though I am starting week 6 in this journey I am also waiting to see what happens in the long-run. Today I was reading "Romancing the Ordinary" by Sarah Ban Breathnach" and just so happens it was on "waiting." I want to share some of it with you:
Between the Dreaming and the Coming True
Until recently, I've shared T.S. Eliot's approach to waiting: "Hurry up please it's time." But it never is time for the waiting to be over, until it's time. No matter how much wringing of the hands, crying, begging or bargaining we do, the waiting will continue until it's damn good and ready which is rarely soon enough....The only good thing to be said about waiting, and I hate to be the one to say it, is that it works. Waiting is the soul of the Divine Scheme of Things, whether it suits our plans or not. Heaven and earth may pass away but waiting won't so we better learn to deal.
And so I wait and while I do today I ate my go-to-breakfast of Egg, Bacon and Cheese Scramble on Hashbrown 7 points, I use Frank's Hot Sauce, love love love it!
I accidently left my lunch at home today (darn it!!!) so I ended up eating baked chicken from Kroger, 10 points, with 2/3 cup frozen steamed vegetables in a sauce for 2 points:
I saved the Greek yogurt, I was full so I stopped. Later I needed a chocolate pick me up (I said it was one of "those" days!) so I had 1 Dove Carmel and 1 Dove Peanut Butter for 2 extremely lucious points:
Supper is going to be Steel Cut Oats with blueberries and lowfat milk!
So that is my day, hope everyone is doing and feeling good. I am off to walk on the tread-mill for at least 30 minutes (and keep waiting!) By the way, here is a pic of me and my son just so you have a face to match the blog. We are having his 10-year-old Hippie Birthday party January 2011--
I hear ya on the puny portions in tv dinners. Have you heard of volumetrics? Basically, you increase your portion size by adding more food that is low calorie. For example, you take that tv dinner and add loads of steamed veggies to bulk it up. You get double (or more) food for virtually no more calories than what the box says. It seems super obvious, but next time you have one of those dinners try it out!