Friday, March 4, 2011

PreWeekend Thoughts

It seems like yesterday I was posting I kind of dreaded weekends because of the urge to snack, etc. and here is another one quick as lightning! Time flys so quickly. Anyhoo, I have planned my food out for the weekend and here is an idea of what I will be having--

Banana Muffins from Little Green Bites recipe

buffalo chicken salad made with Light Laughing Cow cheese wedge and Frank's Hot Sauce on crackers
turkey sandwich on whole wheat with raw veggies

grilled hamburger on whole wheat bun with a few baked french fries, lots of lettuce and raw veggies
baked chicken breast with steamed vegetables at the Olive Pit (local restruant)
homemade pita pizza's with a salad

I've got plenty of fruit and some Weight Watchers sweet snacks if the urge is strong and I bought this to try sometime:

 I case you are wondering why I only post my breakfast and lunch pictures, well...I live in such a rural area there is nothing up dial up and I'm not paying for something that doesn't work, so I wait until I have access to interenet during the day and post what I can.

This morning I started the day off with my new fav: 1 egg with egg white, asparagus and onion, little cheese and a slice of bacon with a Bagel Thin with Brummel and Brown for I figure an 8 pt breakfast. I need to make my food pictures a little more "pretty" don't I? I just throw the food up there and show ya what I've got!

Snack was my Green Monster BUT I only used 1 orange and spinach instead of my usual 2 oranges. I am getting a couple of sores in my mouth and I think it's the acid from all the oranges everyday. Will see what happens only having 1. (By the way, the red check table cloth doesn't go in the dining room, it was there from my niece's birthday this past weekend and just haven't had time to wash it!)
Lunch was a piece of fried chicken (Kroger didn't have baked set out so I settled) salad with just a little Light Ranch and steamed veggies:

Lots of green in me today, and that in itself is amazing to me. My main diet used to only consist of meat, bread and Coke or Pepsi. Plan on eating light for my dinner even though I do have 9 points left today.  As I said in my last post I am struggling with getting past a certain point in my weight and taking Need To Get Me Back's advise and sucking down the H20 hoping that will help.

We will see...everyone have a good and healthy weekend and I will see you on Monday. Proud to read the losses everyone is having this past week too!

1 comment:

  1. It's really hard, I know, Kelly. As you saw in my post today. I don't know about the points system, but it looks like it allows you some yummy food! Just keep plugging away every day. At first I lost about 10 lbs and kept that off a few months, then I lost another 15-20 and had a stalled period, then some more loss, etc. The big thing for me is that I didn't give up and gain it all back, so just never give up!
